MAX Exchange Risk Disclosure Statement
Please note that the ownership, sale, purchase and/or trading of Digital Currency may carry significant risks, and may involve significant volatility. It is certainly not suitable for all investors. This risk disclosure statement (“Risk Disclosure Statement”) is merely a summary of some of the risks involved – it cannot and does not disclose all risks and other aspects involved in holding, trading, or engaging in transactions in Digital Currency. You will need to consider many factors before owning or trading Digital Currencies, including without limitation your investment objectives, level of experiences, risk tolerance and other factors.
This Site may not always be entirely accurate, complete or current and may also include technical inaccuracies or other types of errors. Please check all information before relying on it, and all decisions based on information on this Site are your sole responsibility. You acknowledge and agree that MAX Exchange is not responsible for any decision made by you or any information, content, or services contained in this Site, any third-party materials or on any third party sites.
There are at least the following risks that you need to take note of before investing in Digital Currencies or otherwise using the services of this Site:
Market Risk. Please note that investments made in Digital Currencies may be lost entirely due to market risks. It is possible that the market price(s) of one or more Digital Currency may move up or down, sometimes dramatically. Whether a particular Digital Currency will lose all or substantially all of its value is unknown. You should exercise the utmost caution when buying, selling, acquiring, trading or holding Digital Currencies.
Liquidity and Trading Risk. Please note that market liquidity for Digital Currencies can vary significantly. Volatility can be amplified if market trading is sparse. It is also possible that an existing market for trading Digital Currencies may continue to exist or may cease to exist. Please also note that the value of Digital Currencies is volatile and prone to fluctuations. You are responsible for carefully monitoring your position(s) in order to avoid potential losses to your investments in Digital Currencies.
Legal Risk. It is possible that the legal status of Digital Currencies may be uncertain in the jurisdiction in which you reside. You are responsible for consulting with counsel so as to understand the legal status and tax treatment for holding, investing or trading in Digital Currencies, and you are solely responsible for complying with any and all applicable laws and taxation requirements.
Counterparty Risk. Depositing Digital Currencies with any third party in a custodial relationship may incur certain risks, including without limitation security breaches, risk of contractual breach, and risk of loss.
Cybersecurity Risk. All information technology systems, personal computers, mobile phones and/or internet websites can potentially be subject to cybersecurity or unwarranted intrusion or breach by malicious hackers, virus, trojan horse, code or other means. While this Site endeavors to control the risk in a reasonable manner, there is no guarantee that the risk can be completely alleviated. Furthermore, this Site cannot control for the security of computers, mobile phones or terminals used by you to access our website, and you are solely responsible for making sure that they are secure at all times.
Internet and Electronic Trading Risk. The risks associated with utilizing MAX Exchange Services and this Site may include malfunction or delay of transmission arising from any failure in any computer facility, hardware, software, and Internet connection, which may lead to delays or failures of this Site.
Capitalized terms that are not defined in this Risk Disclosure Statement shall have the same meanings ascribed to them in the Terms of Use.